Monday, November 14, 2005

To last all seasons...

So this picture has nothing to do with anything.  It was just kind of cool.  So.  It's been awhile.  It's been busy, I don't remember the last time I posted...not in the least.  Let's see.  Thanksgiving and DMB is real soon.  Sid and I re-arranged our room, it is awesome now.  Ya'll should come visit it.  It is funny how things work out.  I have no motivation for saying that, but it is.  I dont for a minute believe that there is a destiny, but the world seems to balance out.Also today, I reaffirmed the importance of attitude.  The thought reminded me of Nick Lionas, and his quote.  I miss him.  I hope he is doing well.  I can't wait to see old friends.  Like whoa.  It will be great.  Also, I can't wait to introduce new friends to old friends, and then some.  The summer time should be great.  24Bash part deux should be off the chain.  OFF DA CHAIN.Also, please note that hugs are an important part of the day.  I got lucky, and I had TWO hugs today.  It's hard, I used to have the option for alot more.  You would think that I would miss alot of things in college, but most of all...I miss the feeling of hugs.  Not just the physical entwinement of two people in a moment...but the release of it.  The breath of life that's drawn in mid-squeeze, that's reenergizing and almost a religious experience.  They are...moments to be remembered, even if they come about so often that we only remember them till the next hug we get.  At least we can draw upon those times for strength and hope.  Even if it is just a hug...I don't care. They're important to me.  But...not cheap hugs.  I'm stingy about my hugs.  I like the real ones, the good ones.  Not just the squeezes.Did anyone notice that the potatoes in the cafeteria tonight are..."smashed" potatoes?  I'm not so sure if that's clever or not.  It seems...gimmicky.  60 minutes runs a documentary on marketing, and all of a sudden everyones an expert.  People are so lame sometimes.  It's cute though, and intensions are good, so that counts.  I'm trying not to become a cynic.  I'm really critical.  It's hard.  But, with concious effort, everything should square itself away.I was listening to the MP3 player, and the live version of the song "you're body is a wonderland" was playing.  Then, as I was walking into south quad, two people were having a soft smooch in the doorway area.  The moment was perfect.  It was straight up out of the movies.  I'm excited to have moments like that.  Even if it takes a long time.  I feel as if...well, I'm not sure what feelings I get about that.  I just...cant wait till summer. And____________________.  That is all.


Anonymous said...

Neil, I just happened upon this and it made me happier. I'm in a really depressedy kind of mood and I just loved what you said about hugs. I have to go find someone to hug.
Thanks for all your insight :) Just know that you brought a smile to one girl's face.

Anonymous said...


i like neil hugs.
and i know the critic challenge you face all too well.

i enjoyed you diwali entry. i had wonderful indian food the other evening and thought of the time we went to the spice store and you told my brother and i about your mom's cooking.

Anonymous said...

omg neil i am so in love w/your attitude...this entry, omg, i cant even tell you how perfectly it fits everything i've been thinking lately...we have major BE talking to do~hopefully we can fit that in after thanksgiving...i cant wait! (and of course i can't wait for a hug from you then too...i think i'm going to go find patrick and get a hug from him now!)
~until our next hug